Post #19: iPads, MCAS, Printers, Projectors, Summer Workshops, TextHelp Read&Write

Several updates this week, please be sure to read information regarding iPads as you may be affected by this technical glitch. As always, if you have any questions or need technical support, please let me know. Enjoy the weekend! 😀

iPads: If you received new iPads back in December, we discovered a technical glitch this week. Unbeknownst to any of us, the Raz-Kids app was deleted from these iPads. Joe has put Raz-Kids back on the new iPads. I'm letting you know this as this is not an expected behavior. If you see other apps missing from your iPads, please let us know so we can redeploy the app to your iPads. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. (Always good to have a plan B just in case...)

MCAS Website: I have updated the HH MCAS website to reflect 2018 information. Please let me know if you'd like me to add further details or if you see any errors. You may wish to bookmark the site for easy access.

Printers: I continue to see lots of black and white printouts at the color printer. Please take a moment to change to a black/white printer if you do not need to print in color. Thank you for helping to care for our environment and equipment.

Projectors: Joe cleaned all of the projector filters last week. Please remember to turn off the projectors when you are not using them (especially during long periods of time, lunch, recess...). This will help to increase the life of the projector! Thank you.

Summer Workshops: For their 16th year, Edtechteacher is offering technology-related workshops in Boston from June 25-29. There are 26 different workshop choices. Check them out.

TextHelp Update for Read&Write Google Chrome: For those using Read&Write with their students, there have been a few updates in 2018. Check them out below. 

New translation languages - support for over 60 additional languages for single word translation (including Arabic & Dutch) and text-to-speech 

Talk&Type for Google Slides - available for use in the notes area

PDF Reader integration with Google Classroom - assign, annotate and “turn in” PDFs through Google Classroom 

Smoother PDF Reader installation process - visit to install and select options.