Post #26: eSchool - Report Card, End of Year Technology

Lots going on this time of year. This quote struck me as we often are juggling way too many tasks. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Enjoy your weekend. I hope we need these. 😎

eSchool Report Card: The elementary report card instructions have been recently updated by Eva. Here is the direct link:  Elementary Report Card Instruction.

Teachers will be able to see T1 and T2 side by side when entering T2 marks.

Teachers also can see the comments they wrote for T1 while they write comments for T2.

End of Year Technology: In the coming days, I will be sharing the usual information regarding storage and collection of equipment. The only new procedure affects iPads. Due to updates that must be installed on all elementary iPads over the summer - we must keep all iPads in the building. Therefore teachers cannot take an iPad home for the summer.