Post #5: Gmail Contacts, SplashMath, Tech Committee, Website Updates

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Here are this past week's updates!

GMAIL Updates: Don't you just love it when Google makes changes 😬. Well back in May, they rolled out a newer version of Gmail. As a district, we didn't roll it out until this fall. I just made the switch this week on my school account and here are a few things that I've noticed already. 

1. GMAIL CONTACTS has now moved. It is no longer under the Gmail drop-down triangle. If you are running the "Classic" version of Gmail then you will still see contacts as shown in the image to the side.

Under the new version of Gmail, you will now find contacts in your google apps sorter. 

Mine was at the bottom of the list. But you can drag and drop it anywhere you want in the google apps box to make it convenient for you to get to.

2. Quick Access to a few apps along the right side - you will find google calendar, google keep and tasks.

Here's a video of the above 2 updates:

SplashMath Update: SplashMath is ready for use this year!!

Student Login:
Username: wpsStudentID, example: wps1234
Password: Student ID

New Teachers:
Username: e-mail address
Password: teach2

Technology Committee: The HH Technology Committee met on Thursday, September 27th. Thank you to those that were able to attend. We had a great discussion around hardware needs, including budgeting for replacement of our current equipment. This can be challenging due to the fact that many of our tools were funded by WPSF grants. You can find our discussion notes here. All are welcome to attend our meetings. 

Website Menu Updates: In case you missed my email earlier this week, here is a VIDEO where I outlined some of the changes I made to our website menus and how to navigate to the bottom of the menu lists.