Update #6 - Lots of News!

Lots of information to share this week ~ Please read carefully and connect with me if you have any questions.

Tech Requests - If you should need tech assistance, please see me or fill out the IT Direct online form. Please do not email Joe directly as it’s difficult to keep track of work that needs to get done. For those interested, here are directions to complete the a service ticket in IT Direct. I am fine with you coming to me for assistance. This helps to keep me in the loop so I can touch base with Joe on any outstanding issues.

Computer Lab Calendars - When adding events to any calendar, be sure you select the appropriate calendar in the create event window. (It may default to your own google calendar; not the lab calendar you wish to sign up for.)

Discovery Education Renewal - Our subscription to Discovery Education is up for renewal on December 31, 2014. I'm inquiring who would like to renew this subscription. The renewal is $1600 for one year. Please let me know your thoughts on this doodle poll.

Printing to the copier - Be sure to check your paper size in your print window. I have found that when I print to the copier the paper size is often wrong and my printout is enlarged. Paper size should always be letter NOT A4.

Teacher Laptops - On Thursday, October 9th, the Tech Department was pushing out software updates to computers. In doing so, we noticed on Friday, several issues. The techs are correcting that piece. However as a result, your dock may look different the next time you restart your computer. (For some that was Friday, for others it was yesterday or today.) The techs cannot fix this issue for you. If you are missing shortcuts to software you will need to add it back it. You can personalize your dock as you wish - adding and removing shortcuts to programs that you use/don't use. Here's a quick video tutorial on adding and removing icons from your dock!

Teacher Laptop Maintenance - Joe needs to visit each mac laptop to do a quick update. Please sign up for a 30 minute time slot so this can be accomplished. Sign up is currently for next week. If we need to go into the last week of October we can add slots as needed. (Deborah N., Christine H. and Becky you are all set ~ no need to sign up.)

Technology Committee - Quick reminder that the HH Technology Committee is meeting tomorrow, Thursday October 16th from 3:30 - 4:30 in the computer lab. See you then...

Wordle - For those classes using Wordle with students, you should be using Safari. Google Chrome doesn't work. See me if you have any issues.