Update #17: Tech Day, Laptops and Projectors

Good Afternoon,

Laptops/PARCC: Please remember to logoff, and shutdown all student laptops (completely turned off) at the end of each day. All student laptops should then be charging overnight. Kristin and I have spent many hours checking laptops for PARCC. We are asking for your continued assistance with this. These are good habits to create and should be part of your classroom end of the day procedures. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Projectors: As our classrooms begin to heat up, so does our equipment. Please make sure that you are powering down your classroom projectors when not in use. I have been seeing projectors on over lunch and recess breaks; that should not be happening. Over heated projectors will cause the bulb to blow. Please help us maintain our equipment during these hot days ahead.

Tech Day Sign-up: The next tech day is this Thursday, May 14th. If you are interested in working together on a classroom project or need some 1-to-1 training, please sign up via doodle poll. Once you select a time, please leave a comment letting me know what you'd like to work on.

If you have any questions, please let me know.