Post #19: Kiddle, Osmo, Room 19 Screen, Tech Dates,

A few new things this week and a few old items.

Kiddle - A new visual safe search engine for kids. Kiddle uses a customizable google search to provide child friendly resources (it will filter sites with explicit content). The background is very similar to Raz-Kids with a robot. The first several results are written with young readers in mind and hand picked by Kiddle editors. They say results 8 and up have safe content but written for adults. They are saying that all search results will provide safe websites. Check it out. It may provide another avenue for student research especially at the lower grades.

Benefits of Kiddle:
  • larger font size for readability
  • larger thumbnail pictures
  • doesn't collect any personally identifiable information

Osmo: I have 5 Osmo sets in the computer lab. Please let me know if you'd like to borrow a set.

Room 19 Question: I'd like Willie to hang a pull down screen in Room 19. This way when you want to use the projector, the screen is always accessible. The question is - where should he hang the screen? Please let me know if you have a preference.
  • Along the short wall with the clock?
  • Along the long wall with the small whiteboard (hallway wall)?
  • Other suggestions?

Tech Dates to Remember:
Tech Committee Meeting: Tuesday, March 8th at 3:30 in the computer lab
Tech 1-to-1 Day: Thursday, March 10th; sign-up via Doodle Poll