Post #26: Eno, iPass, Printers, OSMO, PARCC, Tech Committee

The days seems to be going by quickly. I know I am feeling overwhelmed by all that there is to do before June 21st! I'm trying to be mindful of what's possible in the day. Thank you for all the wonderful ways you keep technology active in your classroom.

Eno WhiteBoard Pen: Laura has been using the new bluetooth Eno pen (picture to the left). It has been working wonderful for her. If your Eno whiteboard pen is not working, please let me know so I can have Joe assess your pen and then I can order you a new one for next year.

iPass: As you know, iPass is open for reporting. You may have noticed a slight change in the look of where you enter your codes. You can now see what you entered for T1. Ignore the (none) feature under the code box. This is for schools who are using a gradebook tool, which we are not. 

If you'd like to run your own report card to see how it looks, here are the directions to do so.

Firefox, IE and Safari work best when using iPass. 

OSMO for iPads: The lab now has 10 sets of Osmo for iPad. If you'd like to borrow Osmo and a lab ipad, please let me know. There are five Osmo games - Numbers, Words, Tangrams, Newton and Masterpiece. Osmo Numbers is a great way to mix up your math stations. All classes in grades 1, 3, 4 and 5 have explored using Osmo in the computer lab. Grade 2 will explore after we finish our current project. Here's a peek at using Osmo Numbers.

PARCC:  Next week, 3rd graders will be taking PARCC Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Teachers in grades 3 - 5, please continue to shut down and charge the computers every night! 

Printers: The color printer is up and running. A new part was installed on Friday, May 13th. So far this week the printer has been working smoothly. Please let me know if you have any difficulty with this printer. I'd like to stay on top of any issues as 4th and 5th grade have color printing projects coming up in the next few weeks. Thanks for your help with this.

A new computer lab printer was installed on Thursday. Please restart your computer when you arrive at school on Friday to ensure that you have printing capability to HH_Computer_Lab.

Teacher Laptop Updates: I haven't heard any complaints from anyone about the daily laptop updates. I'm hoping this means that the frequency has subsided. If not, please let me know.

Tech Committee: The Technology Committee met on Tuesday, May 17th @ 3:30. Here are the notes from our meeting. We began the meeting with general tech questions and sharing. Great to hear that staff are using and enjoying the BrainPop subscription. Sounds like money well spent! Thank you to those in attendance and for sharing your input with regard to technology in the building.

Professional Development: 

Summer Tech Workshops: Check out the offerings by EdTech Teacher - lots of great workshops in Boston Summer 2016!

Fall of 2016: (Saturday, October 15th) - Teacher Google Bootcamp Certification - More details will follow.