Post #27: End of Year Tech Procedures, TA Laptops

I'm happy to say that the printers have been working great lately. Could be in part to the new computer lab printer or Joe tracking down laptops that had printing issues or everyone being more aware of where they are printing. Thank you for your efforts in this area!!

End of Year Tech Procedures for Equipment: Here is the annual End of Year Technology Information. On this google doc is the summer equipment checkout form - to be completed by all WTA staff. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. 

Security Updates: FYI - new security updates are being pushed out to teacher laptops. You should expect to see prompts starting today after 3:00. 

TA Laptops - If you have an assigned TA laptop, please turn in your equipment (laptop and powercord) to the lab by Friday at 3:00 PM. Laptops will be redistributed in the fall. 

June Tech Day has been cancelled due to field day.