#2 - September 9th - Computer Lab Calendars, Tech Help (SpiceWorks), MassCue, Laptop Updates

There are several tech updates this week. If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a wonderful weekend!

Computer Lab Calendars: The main lab and hallway lab google calendars are now open online. You should still have permissions from last year to view and add events to these calendars. Please be careful when adding events that you select the correct calendar for your event. If you do not have access to either calendar or need a refresher about using google calendar, please let me know.

Need Tech Assistance: We are using a new WPS Help Desk ticket system from SpiceWorksThe old ticket system IT Direct is not accessible for tech support. If you submitted a ticket there, please let me know as we can no longer access that site. 

You access the WPS Help Desk by submitting a ticket as follows:

Submit a ticket by using the WPS Help Desk link under For Staff. Please fill in the fields (your email, issue category, asset tag number, room #, building, summary, and description of issue) as shown in the image below. 

If you submit a ticket via WPS Help Desk, you will get email responses along the way to keep you updated on the process of your request. For example that your ticket has been opened, that your ticket was assigned to someone, that your ticket has been closed... We are excited about this new tool in facilitating and communicating help issues. 

Are you interested in attending the MassCue Technology Conference? Most of you are familiar with this conference and have attended before. The conference is scheduled for October 19th and 20th at Gillette Stadium. Our amazing 5th Grade Team will be presenting on Wednesday. Here is a link to their two day schedule lineup (not complete yet but lots of great choices to look over). If you are interested in attending, please let me know. Once I hear from everyone, I will meet with Jim to see how many people we can send based on the budget. 

Software Updates: Eva is still working on getting our software titles ready for use. So far the following title is ready for use: LEXIA and now Symphony Math. 

We will let you know when other titles are ready for classes to use. 

Mac Laptop Updates: To facilitate important software updates, last June the tech department automated the process. In an effort to not disrupt teaching and learning, the updates will be pushed out after school hours. Because these updates are critical to network security, you will only be allowed to postpone the update prompts 2 times.

Please do the following to assist in these important software updates:
  • Plug in your computer prior to beginning updates.
  • When prompted, accept these updates and follow the on-screen instructions, which often includes a computer restart. 
  • Close applications and restart your computer on a regular basis, as some updates automatically install after a simple computer restart.
     -- Restart your computer daily or at least 2-3 times per week

Projectors: I know there are many routines to review at the beginning of the year. But please remember to turn projectors off when you are not using them or in your classroom.