#11 - iPad Apps, Headphones, Mystery Number Skype, Tech In-Service PD

If you have any questions about any of the information below, please let me know. Have a wonderful long weekend.

iPad Apps: Just a reminder that over the summer all of your classroom iPads were wiped clean. Joe has put back on the basic "core" apps. If you are missing any grade level apps that you used last year, please let me know.

Headphones in Hallway Lab: Please do not let your students "borrow" headphones from the Hallway Lab. This leaves classes (teachers and students) in a difficult situation when they go out there with their class. Please help to keep this space usable. 

Tech In-Service Wednesdays:
 Thank you to those that added suggestions for Tech PD topics to the Tech PD Padlet. If anyone has any other suggestions, please add them to the Padlet

While attending the Innovation Summit last week, one of the presenters shared how she uses Skype in her first grade classroom. She connected with a teacher in another state and they had a Mystery Number Skype session. She wrote a great post about it on her classroom Blog. The post is a few years old, but the idea and instructions are well thought out. Mystery Number is similar to playing Guess Who. You can only ask yes/no questions in order to find out the mystery number. This could be played in your own classroom or you could use Skype and connect with another classroom to play the game. Could be a fun way to mix up math!