#14: Math Playground, Tech PD

A few quick items this week. Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Teacher Laptops: Several software updates were sent out this week to your teacher laptops. Please be sure to restart your computer so the updates take affect. 

Math Playground Website has added a new game to their site called Pop Penguin and the Place Value Race. The website says the game is designed for Grades 1 - 3. If you are not familiar with Math Playground, you can find quick activities that students can do independently without needing any login accounts. Might be worth taking a look. 

Technology PD In-Service: The next rounds of Technology In-Service afternoons are January 11th - Grade 4 and January 18th - Grade 3. We'd like you to get the most out of these afternoons. For that to occur, please let us know what you'd like to focus on during our afternoon time. Grade 4 added a few topics a while ago. Please let me know if those topics are still of interested and/or if you'd like something in addition to that. Please provide your suggestions on this Padlet (use the plus sign to add your ideas) by December 22nd. Thanks for your help.