#17 - Splash Math, Tech Committee,

A few updates with regard to Splash Math and Tech Committee. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.

Splash Math - As you may have read in my email yesterday, Splash Math is ready for use. All are welcome to try out the premium subscription we have through June. I'd be happy to have kids give this a go during technology class. This helps me to: understand the program and provide better tech support along the way. Just let me know if this is something you are interested in doing. 

We will all be learning this together, so please let me know if you have any questions or problems. A few things I have learned so far:

  • Splash Math Help Center - Great information here on creating assignments, printing out login cards (one per student) or roster list (logins of all students in a table format), classroom reports....
  • We cannot lock skills/activities. However, you can lock it so students stay on their assigned grade level. To do so, login as the teacher - go to the CLASSROOM SETTINGS menu (on the top right corner of your dashboard) and then you can disable the grade change feature for students 
Login Reminder:
Student login:
username: wpslunchcode 
(if my lunchcode was 1234 then my username would be: wps1234)
password: lunchcode

Teacher login:
username: full Wayland email address
password: Wayland21 (feel free to change it)

Tech Committee: The Tech Committee met yesterday and had a great discussion. I will be emailing each grade about having Colleen and I attend a PLC. The notes from our meetings can be found here