#18 PLCs, Splash Math, Student Data Privacy

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you for all that you do to support the use of technology!

PLCs: Colleen and I would like to attend one of your grade level PLC meetings. We'd like to look over the new MA Digital Literacy and Computer Sciences standards. We'd like to do this for two reasons:

1. to raise awareness of the new standards, and 
2. to see which standards others might already be covering with their students.

This information will help Colleen and I guide our lessons with your classes. Please let us know a convenient date to attend. Thank you Kindergarten team for our discussion yesterday. 

Looks like several classes are already taking advantage of our premium trial. If you'd like to participate and need help getting started, please let me know. I'd be happy to have kids give this a go during technology class. This helps me to understand the program and provide better tech support along the way. We are all learning this together, so please contact me or your math coach if you have any questions or problems.

Student login:
username: wpslunchcode
password: lunchcode only

Student Data Privacy and Online Subscriptions: As shared by Leisha at our January staff meeting, the district policy is to have a signed student data privacy agreement for every tool we use that requires student accounts.  As we learn to navigate this new practice and explore new tools, we want to ensure that student data is safe. Please keep the following information in mind:

  • If you wish to use an online site/app that requires students to have an account, then you need to complete the software request form. By filling out the form, a curriculum leader will be notified of the use of the tool and provide their feedback. This will then get the ball rolling on getting a signed Student Data Privacy agreement. 
  • If you are using a website or app, where you created student accounts, then please connect with me so we can ensure that student data is secure.