Post #21 - Chromebook, Hallway Lab, iPads, Printers

Just a few quick updates today. Wishing you all a wonderful vacation. 

Chromebook: We are still missing an Acer Chromebook from the 4th grade Chromebook cart. The computer is labeled - WMS0710. Please be on the look out and check your cart to make sure you only have the devices that are assigned to your classroom.

Hallway Lab: The Hallway Lab is back open. Willie installed a temporary fix to stabilize the countertop. A permanent fix will be installed over break. Please do not sit or put a lot of pressure on the countertops in the hallway lab.

iPads -Building Good Habits - As you have your students use iPads either in the classroom or from the computer lab cart, you should be helping them to build good iPad habits. Here are two routines you should be teaching your students. 

  • When using apps on the iPads that require students to login, please be teaching your students to logout of the app when they are finished. If students don't logout, then the next student who uses that app must log the child out before they can login. 
  • Please also teach your children how to close the app when they are finished. I am seeing tons of apps left open, which will cause the battery to drain faster.

Thanks for your help in this matter. 

Printers: Please be mindful of the documents that you are printing and where you are printing them. There have been stacks of printed files left at the Computer Lab and Color Lab printers lately. This is a waste of both paper and ink.