Post #15: Lab iPad Carts, Tech Committee, Google Slides, Interactive ScienceJams

Lab iPad Carts: Just a reminder that there are two iPad carts in the computer. One full cart of 25 iPads (orange covers) and a cart of 12 iPads (black covers). It is preferred that if you only need a few iPads that you borrow from the small cart (Skills Lab Cart in Google Calendar). I'd like to leave the full cart (Lab Cart) together for whole class work and projects. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Tech Committee: Our February meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7th at 2:30 in the computer lab. All are welcome to attend.

Items to Explore

Google Slides - How to Create an Interactive Diagram - If you use google slides for presentations with classes you can link from one slide to another. Here is quick video how to.

Interactive ScienceJams by Scholastic: I came across this resource in a blog that I follow. Might be something to check out. StudyJams contain short videos, slideshows, and quizzes about a variety of elementary school topics. The above link takes you to...

Minerals, and Landforms: 12 StudyJams! Interactive Science Activities

Introduce students to everything from volcanoes and earthquakes to fossils and sedimentary rocks using these 12 fun StudyJams! science activities.