Post #5 - Missing iPad, Coding, Tech Day's are BACK! Tech Committee

MISSING IPAD - I am missing an iPad from the Skills Cart. It has a black case and is labeled HH-SKILLS. Can you please check your classroom carts and return to the lab if you find it. 

Coding - Thank you all for sending home reminders and collecting the permission slips. We are almost there. Just a few more to collect. Most classes have started coding this week using - Code Monkey App (1st Grade), (2nd Grade & 3rd Grade), Lego Bits & Bricks (4th Grade) and LightBot (5th Grade).

Tech 1-on-1 Days: I'm excited to announce that starting this month 1-on-1 Tech Days are back. For those that are new, this is a day where you can sign up for a slot to work with me on a technology topic of your choosing (it could be a list of nagging questions you want answers to, a curriculum project or website/blog work...). A sub will be in to cover your class so you need to have sub plans ready. 

If you are interested in working together on Thursday, December 12th, please use this link to sign up for a time slot.

Technology Committee - Reminder that the next HH Technology Committee meeting is Tuesday, December 10th @ 2:45 in the computer lab. All are welcome to join in the discussion. If you are not able to attend and have any questions or concerns, please pass them along to your grade level rep or email me directly.