Post #11: WPS Digital Resource for School Closure, Username/Password Issues, Tutorials

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NEW WEBSITE - DIGITAL RESOURCES FOR SCHOOL CLOSURE - Beth Monahan has been working on a central website for information regarding digital resources. This is a work in progress as we try to pool information. Please take a few minutes to check out the site for tips. Many of the links I have shared are here in one location!

If there is anything you'd like to see added, please let me know. 

Student Username and Password Issues: For issues with usernames and passwords, I'd start referring families to the Student Username/Password document. Feel free to add this link to the document you use to connect with students/families. The document is also on my Tech Lab site but not sure families are visiting it much. 

I added the username and password for TumbleBooks to this document as that link has been glitchy and asking students to enter the username and password (sorry for any inconvenience). I also included directions to access Google's Read/Write. 

If you see other items missing, let me know and I will add it to the growing list!

Tutorials - A few new tutorials have been added to the YouTube Tutorials Playlist. Did you know you could schedule emails to be sent at a specific date/time? I don't know about you but I have left emails in "draft" thinking I sent them.