Post #21: NEW ~ BrainPop Maintenance, Seesaw - Family Resources. Tech Appointments, Reminders ~ Laptop Issues

Thank you all for your continuous work and patience with technology. I think things worked a little better this week. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to a little time away from my screen. It's been tough to let it go!

BrainPop - FYI ~ This weekend BrainPop is performing maintenance on its website. As a result, their sites may be down for a period of time, or you may experience intermittent issues.

Seesaw - Resources for Families - You will now find on the WIT - Digital Resources for Families website and a Seesaw For Families slideshow. The slideshow has a variety of resources for families to help support their child and the use of Seesaw at home. K-2 teachers, feel free to share this information with families via email, classroom website, learning adventure... 

Tech Appointments - I'm exploring offering appointment slots via google calendar. If you'd like to make an appointment with me on any topic. Please click on my appointment calendar link - appointment page for my calendar. There are two 30 minute time slots available for tomorrow, Friday, April 17th. If people like this as an option, I will offer more in the future. 

Be sure to fill in your name (where box) and topic (description box) in the event. After you sign up for a slot, I will send you a google meet invite. 🤞 this works!

Laptop Issues: Please restart your computers daily. If you experience issues, 99% of the time a restart will resolve the problem. This goes for student Chromebooks as well.