Post #28 : Seesaw Snack & Chat, End of Year Equipment Cleanup, Teacher Laptops, TA Laptops, Help Ticket, Zoom

As we approach the end of the school year, here are a few technology updates.

  • K-2 Teachers and staff join me for a Seesaw Snack and Chat on Wednesday, June 10th from 1:30-2:30. Let's learn from each other and share what's been working and not working in Seesaw!

  • If you are keeping technology over the Summer, please complete the Summer Hardware Form, or return it to your School in June. Hardware (Including all Elementary classroom iPads and Chromebooks) can also be returned during our student Chromebook and iPad collection at the Middle School June 24-25 and June 29-30, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.

  • Classroom Equipment:

All classroom technology should be unplugged and stored safely in your classroom (doc cameras, digital cameras...)
All iPad and laptop carts/tubs should be left in the hallway outside your classroom including all power cords.
  • New Laptops for Teachers will be ordered after the Town Meeting (Date TBD). We will swap computers in the fall. Remember to backup all your files:  Backup Instructions  (If your name is not on the list, your laptop refresh will be Summer 2021.) Now is a good time to delete old files!

  • TA Laptops can be kept for the summer. Please complete the Summer Hardware Form, or return it to your School in June. You may leave it along with the power cord on your classroom iPad/laptop cart in the hallway.

  • For teachers who have opted to use Zoom instead of Google Meet, please make sure you have the Zoom app updated if you have installed it on your computer. If you have not updated to Zoom 5.0, you will be forced to do so after May 30 when you try to join a meeting. Please make sure to select “Install for me only”! [Zoom Pic 1, Zoom Pic 2]

  • Tech Issues: If you are having any technical issues with your laptop, please complete a help ticket. This process is the most efficient way to have your issue resolved. REMEMBER TO RESTART YOUR COMPUTER DAILY AS THIS WILL HELP RESOLVE MANY PERFORMANCE ISSUES.

  • If you are going into HH you might want to update any apps by going to self-service. This can only be done from school.