Post #9: Student Devices, ClassLink QR Codes, Viewsonic - Split Screen,

Please let me know if you have questions or need assistance. 

Student iPads/Chromebooks - When students travel to a different classroom with their device, it's very important that they restart their device in the new location. If you'd like to know why I'll try to explain as simply as possible. 

The reason for the restart: Our devices connect to the internet via an AP (access point - a rectangular device that is mounted on the ceiling in each classroom). When a device is in your classroom, it should connect to the AP in your classroom. When the device travels to a new classroom, it should connect to the AP in that new classroom. However, we are seeing that does not always happen. The device could still be trying to connect to the AP in the originating classroom which is way too far away. The restart should force the computer to connect to the AP in the new location.

**Note - This will not solve all of our connectivity issues but it could help to reduce some of the frustrations. 

ClassLink - Accessing QR Codes: Teachers who are are using a QR code for their students to access ClassLink. Here is a video on how to print out another set of QR codes. You can send these codes home if you think families would like to access ClassLink this way on a home device. 

If you are not familiar with using a QR code to access ClassLink, then take a peek at this video.

Split Screen on Viewsonic Flat Panel - Would you like to display two different documents at a time side by side? Maybe a rubric or checklist along with a writing sample?? Or a video and the document you are working on? Here is a video on how to split your screen: