Post #1: Welcome Back - Tech Schedule/Support, Shutdown AV equipment, Software Subscriptions, Google Classroom, Powercord


Tech Schedule/Support - This year I am teaching two classes at Claypit Hill on Wednesday mornings. Therefore, I won't be at HH until around 10:30 or so. If you need assistance, please send an email to We have several technicians who can assist you.

  • Alec is our Apple tech expert (who joined our team last spring). Alec supports our district iPads as well as classroom AV equipment. He is scheduled to come to HH on Fridays around 10:00 am. 
  • Ruth continues to be our Chromebook and Google Account tech expert. Ruth is based at the MS and comes to HH on an as-needed basis.
  • Joe continues to be our Mac System Administrator and District Technician. Joe comes to HH on an as-needed basis.

Ruth, Alec, and Joe all worked incredibly hard this summer to ensure that our devices, and device carts we ready for the start of the school year. And of course without the help of Betsy, your classroom carts wouldn't have been distributed so quickly. Betsy assisted with labeling devices, recording device tag numbers, and delivering carts! Be sure to thank them when you see them!

It certainly takes a village to get tech up and running each year! Thank you all!

Shutdown Equipment Every Night - To keep your classroom equipment working well, it's important that you do the following:

1. Turn off your document camera
2. (If you have a flat panel) Shutdown the Chromebook 
3. Turn off the panel, projector, or TV (depending on your classroom space)
4. Turn off your wireless keyboard (conserves the battery)

Software Subscriptions: Eva has been busy getting our software account up and running. The following software tools are ready to go in ClassLink. 
  • iReady
  • BrainPop & BrainPop Jr.
  • Lexia - Students (Core5)
  • Lexia - Teachers (MyLexia)
  • SeeSaw
  • ST Math
  • Track My Progress - Students
  • Track My Progress - Teachers
  • Overdrive (Sora)

Google Classroom Users - Please archive last year's classes! This will clean up your feed as well as the student's feed. NOTE: Archiving does not delete your class or your assignments. You can still access your old class and assignments under the main menu. 

Protect Your Powercord - please take a minute to watch this quick video on how to wrap your MacBook power cord. (I know our new powers don't have the "wings" but you can still carefully wrap the cord.) This simple tip could save you $$$.